
At Rota A/S the development of the company must be on a sustainable basis.

We regard the Law on the Protection of the Environment as setting out minimum requirements compared with what we as company and employees commit ourselves to.

We work to continually reduce our impact on the environment.  This means that we use technology with the least possible impact.  Whether we are investing in production equipment or purchasing materials, it must be done in such a way as to minimize our impact on the environment.

We will continue to improve our efforts for the environment and the working environment, by avoiding pollution, by effectively monitoring and developing our procedures, and by ending or reducing the use of undesirable substances and materials.

Where there is any special risk of serious damage to the environment or working environment, we will develop and maintain preventative measures in consultation with the appropriate authorities.

We will take the environment into consideration when choosing business partners and place demands on them to focus on the environment and ensure that they work in an environmentally responsible way and in agreement with our environmental policy when they carry out work for us.

Rota will involve, inform, give responsibility to, and train our employees with a view to ensuring attitudes and actions in agreement with our environmental policy.

We will make sure our environmental policy is carried out in practice by using a well-documented and maintained environment management system.